UNLIMITED CLASSES: Youth £18pm - Adult £30pm - Click here to sign up!



Membership is for you. 

Get unlimited access to all our small-group classes per week on a Union Jab 30-day rolling contract and get your brain and body to the place you always wanted it to be. 

Price & Terms 

This fantastic offer clocks in at only £30 per month for unlimited adult classes or £18 for unlimited Youth classes.

Simply sign up via the product page here!  

Minimum Term

Memberships must run for a minimum of two consecutive calendar months before cancellation is accepted. If you are wishing to train for only one month you can instead purchase a One Month Union Jab Gift Voucher Here.

Cancellation Policy

All memberships and cancellations follow a 30-day rolling contract, in which any payment due within 30 days of written notice of cancellation by email shall be the final payment.

ALL CANCELLATION NOTICES MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL to charlie@unionjab.com with all payments due within the following 30 days paid. No other method of cancellation notice is to be accepted other than email submission. 

Set-Up Checklist:

- Simply sign up for the Adult or Youth Membership on the website! 
- Minimum term is 2 full months and to cancel it's simply 30 days notice via email only, after which any payments due within the next 30 days will be your last with your membership terminating at the end of that month. (i.e. if you cancel on 20th of April, your final payment would be 1st of May with membership running until 1st of June).
- We ask people to still book in on the site, however, when booking in simply use discount code YOUTH or MEMCLASS and it will remove all your booking fee charges for classes


To get started, simply sign up here:

Adult Membership Sign-Up

Youth Membership Sign-Up